A Comprehensive Review of the PS5 DualSense Controller

PS5 DualSense controller has hot-swappable analog sticks that can be removed, replaced, and customized. It involves flicking a clasp on the back that releases the front faceplate, revealing two metal levers that have a satisfying weight and are easy to flip up and out.

It lets you tweak your stick sensitivity and dead zones and remap functions into unique profiles. It also adds adjustable trigger stops and back buttons.

Adaptive Triggers

Some gamers love to modify their consoles and controllers, but it can be a lot of work. This new PS5 DualSense controller has a back that can be snapped off, allowing gamers to get inside and customize the components.

It also expands on adaptive triggers that measure the pressure of a player’s fingers to help balance out the powerful vibrations generated and create a deeper level of immersion. It could give more specific feedback, like weapon kickbacks in future games.

Another innovation is motion control, built into the controller itself instead of relying on sensors that talk to an infrared receiver on the console. It should remove some of the clunky struggles that have plagued motion controls in the past and encourage developers to include more mechanics that use it.

Overall, the DualSense controller feels more premium than the pack-in pad launched with its current generation console in 2020. It also features a more ergonomic design and supports PC gaming. Its adaptive haptic feedback and adaptive triggers help set it apart from other premium pads, such as the Xbox Elite series two controllers. These improvements, while not instantly evident upon picking it up, will become clearer once players start playing games that take advantage of them.

Haptic Feedback

Sony has updated the rumble feature of controllers to allow them to convey an extra level of physical feedback in games. It is accomplished by adding a vibration layer corresponding to events onscreen, such as gunfire or explosions.

Adaptive triggers also make the PS5 controller feel more like an extension of your character, immersing you in the game. For example, the bottom left and right triggers vibrate when drawing an arrow or firing a weapon. It allows players to feel the tension increase as they draw back a bow and prep a shot or hear the sound of firing the firearm.

The DualSense controller has a new touchpad that can track your finger movements with a high degree of accuracy. It is a welcome update at a time when VR experiences have been pushing controllers to be more than just navigation controls.

Unlike other PlayStation controllers, the DualSense has its microphone array built into the controller, allowing for voice chat without needing an extra headset. Whether that will be useful or not remains to be seen. Gamers can mute the mic at a moment’s notice by pressing a dedicated button.

Adaptive Microphone

Among the most interesting new features of the DualSense is its built-in microphone. It is something that many players will take advantage of, but it’s not without its concerns.

A high-quality microphone is an excellent addition to any gaming controller, and the DualSense is no exception. It can be used to chat with other players online or even mute your voice in the game when you don’t want to be heard. It will no doubt help to bring better teamwork and communication to multiplayer games, which will be welcome news for most players.

The microphone also doubles as a way to change the trigger and vibration settings of the controller. You can use the physical mute button to toggle between the various modes or change these settings from the PlayStation app. You can also choose whether to keep your custom trigger and vibration settings even if you connect another wireless or wired microphone, a great feature for players switching between different setups regularly.

The DualSense is an impressive upgrade over the standard PS4 controller. It adds many exciting new technologies that make the controller a worthy competitor to third-party accessories like Xbox’s Elite series controllers. However, it’s important to remember that these new features will only be fully realized if developers use them in their games.


After the PS5 DualSense launched, gamers experienced a lot of thumbstick drift. The controller was prone to self-inflicted chaos where the sticks would veer off-center and require costly repairs. Sony’s new ‘pro’ controller, the DualSense Edge, is designed to solve this problem by allowing players to save and swap pre-set control profiles. They’ll also be able to adjust the trigger lengths and haptic feedback settings and replace stick modules.

These changes provide a lot of customizability for any gamer’s playing style. For example, the haptic feedback can simulate different sensations like walking on sandy beaches or feeling your point guard’s feet tired during long stretches of play. Similarly, the rear triggers can be set to feel different tensions depending on your gun type.

This customization will be more valuable for certain gaming genres than others. The most obvious use case will be with racing games, where the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers could help to create a more realistic and fluid experience. For instance, the sensitivity of the triggers can be adjusted so that they’re more sensitive to how hard you push down on them. Likewise, the back paddles can be mapped to different inputs and are compatible with either half-dome or lever styles of back buttons.


Harry is a writer and blogger who expresses his thoughts via writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are searching for informative contents on diverse niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at numerous high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research primarily based content material with the extensive on-line community.

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